I love to write, usually about music, but maybe I’ll switch it up. Check out all my work on Medium


When I speak with restaurateurs about music curation, I often start with a food analogy. “In the recipe of your restaurant, music is an ingredient. Once in a while, it’s the steak, but usually it’s the salt. A customer never comments on how perfectly salted a dish is, they might not even notice it, but they’ll definitely taste it. The right amount of salt at the right times in a meal will enhance everything- leaving diners craving dessert or another round of drinks. What’s more, if a dish is over or under salted, diners will certainly notice, they might complain or send their food back, and they’re not likely to return anytime soon.”

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header image courtesy of Turntable Chicken Jazz NYC

Only the Song Survive: The Value of Music for Office Buildings in the Post-Pandemic Era

“The “Post”-COVID world is a challenging place for commercial real estate holders. While some companies have returned to the office in force, more and more have embraced remote and hybrid workplace policies. Over 100,000 tech workers have been laid off in 2022, signaling significant, impending, layoffs across all sectors and physical downsizing of office spaces to follow. The result for commercial real estate is unsurprisingly troublesome. Across the US, office vacancies are at a record high of 19.6%.

This might seem like reason for commercial property managers to cut costs across the board. Yet in the past year at Musicstyling, we’ve seen a significant uptick in the amount of commercial real estate stakeholders asking for curated music throughout their properties. This begs the question, why would commercial office building managers seek out a seemingly uneccesary service during a time when their customer base is shrinking and the global economy is on the brink of recession?”

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Music in Restaurants Part Two: Connecting With Diners

“…This brings us to our third and final “big picture” question; who is your clientele?

Before you answer this, let’s make sure you actually care who goes to your restaurant. Many of the most influential restaurants in the world were built by leaders that executed their vision with no compromises and no regard for how people responded and who they offended. Usually you’re the surfboard, but sometimes you’re the wave. If that’s the case, more power to you.

But for the rest of us, identifying clientele is essential.”

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Music in Restaurants: Licensing Made Simple

“The ins and outs of what music you can and can’t play and why in your place of business can be confusing. Maybe you really enjoy sorting through convoluted legalese in your spare time. But if not, here are some simple, definitive answers to all your questions regarding how to play music in your restaurant.”

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